Unexplained Phenomena

Very Inspiring Blog Award

Having won the “Liebster Award”, I just remembered this lovely nomination for the “Very Inspiring Blog Award” from Blown. Many thanks!

The rules for this one are as follows:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.


Seven things about me:

1. I like giving and receiving massages. But mostly receiving..#keepingitreal

2. My favorite drink is a whiskey sour with extra cherries.

3. I like to step out of the shower onto a fresh towel.

4. My body temperature usually feels low so I’m a heat-seeking creature. Think: sauna, thick blankets, heater on medium blast, warmth from human snuggling.

5. I speak French.

6. I would love to beach-hop through the Caribbean for about 3 months straight.

7. I have a tiny beauty mark on my lip.

Alright. Now the important stuff. My nominees!

  1. Not Tsuris
  2. Get a Life, Ph.D.
  3. Truthless Truth
  4. To Be Aware
  5. Reassigned Time
  6. Canadian Hiking Photography
  7. Rohan7Things
  8. Silent Journey
  9. GYA Today
  10. The 6th Perspective
  11. Curl Please
  12. Fashion & Fun After 50
  13. Crunk Feminist Collective
  14. The Life Monk
  15. Notes of a Shaman Student

With gratitude,


6 thoughts on “Very Inspiring Blog Award”

  1. Wow thanks! It’ll be a couple of days before I make a post for this award, but I really appreciate it 🙂

    And boy do I love a fresh towel to dry off with mmm, the simple pleasures ^_^


      1. Haha, I read that wrong! I read onto as ‘into’ >.< Oh no doubt, no way is the floor towel doing the rest of the drying!

        And yes, stepping out *onto* a lovely fresh towel is quite a nice sensation 🙂


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